While you are waiting to read this line (above) please take the time to read this very important disclaimer:
I am not a doctor I am not a therapist I am not a lawyer I am not almost anything, other than...
I DO HAVE APHASIA, AND I HAVE FOUND A WAY TO GET BETTER EVERY SINGLE DAY! I have been able to enhance my healthy mind-set and at the same time developed a strategy to learn, or relearn my communication capability. After using the conventional therapy for too long, I decided that there must be a better way to return my original communication abilities...and I did, and I believe others can do the same thing.
Introduction: They told me that I couldn't do it...so, what do you think?
Preamble: The smoke and the mirrors in the mind negate relearning...
A new path: The time to write again! Turned-on the computer and...
The Letter: Dear Mr. Gates….and all of a sudden it was 3:00 am!
The Yuk...an aphasia tale: Just change one word and guess what...
Resources: Selected websites, most of them non-profit
Thomas M. Phillips Charlevoix, Michigan Original: November, 2002 Updated: August, 2005
by ImageCrafters International