Bizarre? Are you sure? How long before the scientists and the doctors associate the technology state-of-the-art and our minds, and let the million of people go back to work, dream and create again? Eventually, I believe, we will find the "connection" but, for now I will stay with my journey. I'm not the same person that I use to be: my aphasia changed my life, of course, but since communication has always been the most important part of my world it is now my obsession. I know it can be done and I want everyone to know. It does not matter if someone can only "go back" ten-percent, or fifty-percent...it doesn't matter. The fact that if we can get better every single day, make even one word "our own" every day, this is progress.
And my passion? Seeing the millions of people that have aphasia using computers, programs like Microsoft Word and have a connection to the Internet and email systems so that those afflicted can start to relearn, create, write again and communicate to others at the same time. Using email systems, talking to others that have disabilities, share letters, new items found in the Internet about aphasia, share jokes or pictures. Using the Internet to find everything about our own disabilities and, while doing all of that...relearning, every single day!
Typically, those afflicted are older, and at the same time have limited funds to do what it takes. There are thousands of older computers and systems sitting in basements or storage, sitting there because hospitals, corporate companies, etc., can't just "throw them away" anymore...so, why not just give them to those that need them? People do not need brand-new computers, just need an operating system, Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer. Millions of people could learn and relearn, and they could have a quality life again.
Before my stroke I had never heard about aphasia, just like everyone else. Because those afflicted never talk about it...no one knows. Because it is a "silent disability" you never hear about it. Today, I do not know how to get the visibility yet, but this website is the beginning. There are several good websites that are just about aphasia, and some of them send out newsletters or something else...but, almost all of them do nothing. More than 80% of those websites are "online" but there is no telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses or anything else. Most of them never even reply. There just online...doing nothing. It's a waste of time. We need visibility! More than a million people in America, and counting. Yes, I do have an obligation today, and the names are things like sincere, resolute, determined and intense. It must happen.
Let's change the channel for awhile...let's take a break...next